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Порядок рецензирования рукописей

Russian Academy of Justice
Federal State-Funded Educational Institution of
Higher Vocational Education

V.V. Ershov
Rector of
Russian Academy of Justice
as of 14 May, 2013

14 May, 2013
No. 11/1


Appraisal and recognition of authors’ research (research and practice) findings’ significance level, correspondence of content and topic coverage level to article heading, degree of novelty of author’s research and introduction into scientific use of relevant current scientific works by highly skilled specialists is an aim of scientific review of materials, submitted to the journal editorial staff.

Decision to publish an article is not taken by the editorial staff on the basis of review, submitted by the author himself or herself.

Following review order is developed and applied with a view of achieving above listed goals.

  1. All research articles and research and practice materials (hereinafter - manuscripts) should be necessarily reviewed.
  2. Each manuscript after being registered should be transferred at the registration date (except for two-months holiday period of the Academy staff) to the Rector’s Reception with an internal memo addressed to Rector of Russian Academy of Justice, Editor’s Chairman.
    The internal memo should indicate manuscript heading, author, and time of submission to the editorial staff. Review period is stated for 20 days.
  3. Further manuscript is transferred to a relevant Department of the Academy or Research Division of the Academy, accompanied with an Order of the Rector, Editor’s Chairman, to make a review on it.
  4. Head of relevant Department appoints specialist with academic rank, specializing in analogous or close to the manuscript topic issues, to study an appropriate manuscript.
  5. Review is being considered at Department or Research Division meeting. Any specialist of the Department can express an opinion on any issue, touched upon the manuscript.
    Reader’s comment is drawn up as an Extract from Department Meeting Minutes and with and is transferred to the journal editorial staff with Review attached.
  6. Review submission to the editorial staff is registered with one of the following marks: “Positive Review”, “Negative Review” or “Need to Be Polished”.
  7. Manuscripts with positive review should be transferred to “Working Papers” folder. They shall be included in the journal’s current issues.
  8. Negative review shall be referred to the author via e-mail. Period for manuscript polishing or revision shall not ne indicated.
  9. The author shall not be informed about the reader’s name, position, and academic rank.
  10. All reviews, submitted to the editorial staff, shall be kept on file of the journal editorial staff.
  11. Reviews may be submitted by the editorial staff to the Supreme Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation Expert Board under the request of the Supreme Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation.

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